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React guide for Beginners: 01 – How to get started with ReactJs.

November 9, 2021
2 Minutes Read



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This is a guide which will tell you about all the prerequisite requires before you start learing react. This guide will also include different resources that you can use in order to complete all the prerequisites. You can skip any of the mentioned prerequisites if you already know them.

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HTML is Hyper Text Markup Language which uses different tags in order to make structure of a webpage. Basics of HTML is required as it is mainly used in react while making components. You can learn about HTML from the link mention below:
Video Link: Learn HTML basics
Text Link: Learn HTML Basics



CSS is Cascading Style Sheet which is used to give styles to a webpage. You will need to learn at least basics in order to make you webpage beautiful. Follow below link in order to learn basics:
Video Link: Learn CSS basics
Text Link: Learn CSS Basics


A Small project with HTML & CSS (Optional)

If you have learned basics of HTML & CSS, I would suggest you to make a small project with HTML & CSS, So that your basics will get more strong. Although this is optional and if you wanna skip this then you are free to do so. If you want to make a project on HTML & CSS then you can follow following linke:
Video Link: Make HTML & CSS Project



JavaScript is used to make your webpage alive. You can follow the below linke in order to learn JavaScrpit.
Video Link: Learn JavaScript
Text Link: Learn JavaScript


Build projects with JavaScript (Optional):

Although this is an optional, you can skip this but I would suggest you to make some projects with JavaScript. You can follow the below link to make some projects but you dont need to complete the video.
Video Link: Learn JavaScript



React is a javascript library which is used to make front-end of a webpage. You can follow the below link to learn React.
Video Link: Learn React
Text Link: Learn React


Redux with React:

Redux is popular react library which is used to manage states of webapp. You can follow the below link to learn Redux with React.
Video Link: Learn Redux with React
Text Link: Learn Redux with React


Redux-Saga with React:

Redux-Saga is popular react package which is used to manage asynchronous events or api call of a webapp. You can follow the below link to learn Redux-Saga with React.
Video Link: Learn Redux with React
Text Link: Learn Redux-Saga

